"Sometimes our light goes out but is blown into flame by another human being. Each of us owes deepest thanks to those who have rekindled this light." 

~Albert Schweitzer  1875-1965
Nobel Peace Prize
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‘One Zambia, One Nation’ relived

With UNCLE 'D' from The Times of Zambia

THE ‘One Zambia ,One Nation’ rallying cry was accurate in every sense and everyone lived by it.

When building a new country that was known as Zambia, the founders made sure that people were firmly united across tribe, race, colour and creed.

It was a Zambia that was proudly one. The citizenry worked to make the country a model on the African continent.

The ‘One Zambia One Nation’ motto solidly held and was greatly appreciated by all. 

People lived true to the slogan that was so popular that it kept everything moving so well.

Even in neighbourhoods, people were so united by the slogan that they committed themselves fully to the aspirations of Zambia.

Powerful voices of the time also echoed the ambition of Zambia through the slogan.

Zambia was indeed in a hurry to develop and the slogan fittingly conveyed the message that proudly reflected the people’s aspirations.

So overwhelming was the sense of belonging to the ‘One Zambia One Nation’ catch-phrase that all Zambians yearned to be identified by it.

The slogan made everyone proud as they went about their daily chores without knowing who was the next door neigbour or where they came from.

Beautiful was the period because it opened up people to interact freely and openly.

Nothing was held back as everyone, so long as they were Zambian, candidly took their rightful role in whatever activity as in ‘One Zambia One Nation.’

The vision of the founders was truly being lived by everyone and was evidenced in the forthrightness of the people when it came to handling challenges of the time.

Left to manage itself at Independence, Zambia had something going from the word go and the ‘One Zambia One Nation’ slogan consolidated the citizenry marching together as one.

At home and abroad, Zambians stood proud, enjoying themselves at every turn with dignity.

The region looked to Zambians as torch bearers when it came to questions of a people that were proud and free.

Strangely, it was like everyone knew everybody. Zambians indeed distinguished themselves accurately and could easily identify each other without much ado.

Other people who came from neighbbouring countries, although respected and welcomed, were accorded a reception befitting their status.

What really mattered mostly was the sense of patriotism and togetherness that Zambians had.

Founders proudly propagated the ‘One Zambia, One Nation’ slogan that stirred the people to move on strongly and united. 
We Love you AFRICA!
"Only by giving are you able to receive more than you already have." 

~Jim Rohn 
"In helping others, we shall help ourselves, 
for whatever good we give out completes the circle and comes back to us." 

~Flora Edwards 
   Click on the dolphins to listen to 
"One Love."
With God, All Things Are Possible.
"It always seems impossible...
until its done."

~Nelson Mandela
South Africa is Iocated in Sub-Saharan Africa. The capital of South Africa is Pretoria. The population of South Africa is about 44 million. 

Threatened species known from South Africa include the Black Rhinoceros, Juliana's Golden Mole, Riverine Rabbit, Blue Whale, and Mountain Zebra. Most peopIe in South Africa speak IsiZulu, IsiXhosa, or Afrikaans. 
Click lions to listen to Soweto Gospel Choir - 
'The Lion Sleeps Tonight '
Nelson Rolihlahla Mandela  
(18 July 1918 -5 December 2013)

Served as the beloved President of South Africa from 1994 to 1999, and was the first South African president to be elected in a fully representative democratic election. 

Click Mr. Mandela's picture to 
learn more. 

Click picture to see beautiful animals of Serengeti, Tanzania played with memorable music in background. Stunning slideshow.

Save the Serengeti 
It’s being described as the greatest threat in the Serengeti's history — a commercial highway in the direct path of ancient wildlife migration routes.

The government of Tanzania recently approved a major commercial truck corridor across the Serengeti National Park. 

Conservation organizations have warned that this highway would be devastating.  You can help. Click image "Support the Southern Route."
Visit Dr. Jane Goodall's JGI website. Click chimp.
Listen to "You Raise Me Up." 
Josh Groban and beautiful children's choir of Africa.  
Click birds.      
Under Africa Skies. Paul Simon - Under African Skies (Live from The African Concert, 1987)
Click elephants 
“You know you are truly alive when you’re living among lions.” 
                  -Karen Blixen, Out of Africa
“Our fathers fought bravely. But do you know the biggest weapon unleashed by the enemy against them? 
It was not the Maxim gun. It was division among them. 
Why? Because a people united in faith are stronger than the bomb.” 

               ― Ngũgĩ wa Thiong’o, A Grain of Wheat

A Grain of Wheat takes place in Kenya on the brink of its Uhuru (independence from British colonial rule) in December 1963.

Art of Conservation 
Africa Weeks for the Animals!

God Bless the African youth...tomorrow's leaders!
Rwandan non-fiction books that 
have recently inspired the world .
The Wildebeest Migration 
Made Simple.

12th Annual 
Africa Weeks for the Animals 
July 31-August 17, 2024!

 Animals are a window to your soul and a doorway to your spiritual destiny.

 If you let them into your life and allow them to teach you, you will be better for it. 

– Kim Shotola
"If you are neutral in situations of injustice, you have chosen the side of the oppressor. If an elephant has its foot on the tail of a mouse and you say that you are neutral, the mouse will not appreciate your neutrality. "

~Desmond Tutu
Beloved South African Leader 
 October 7, 1931-December 26, 2021
Albert Schweitzer  

   French-German theologian, organist, writer, humanitarian, philosopher, physician. 

He said...Being a medical missionary in Africa was his most important work. Nobel Peace Prize, Goethe Prize.
"Knowledge is power. Information is liberating. 
Education is the premise of progress, in every society,
 in every family."
 Nobel Peace Prize laureate
April 8, 1938, Kumasi, Ghana
Died: August 18, 2018, Bern, Switzerland
“For to be free is not merely to cast off one’s chains, but to live in a way that respects and enhances the freedom of others.”

 — Nelson Mandela
Dian Fossey 
(Jan 16, 1932-- Dec 26, 1985 )

The Renegade Scientist Who Taught Us to Love Gorillas. 
She was born in California and died in Volcanoes National Park in Rwanda. What a heroine she was...click Dian's photo. 

Photos from Africa Weeks for the Animals when AWUSA worked with 
Art of Conservation in Rwanda honoring Dian Fossey.
Albert Schweitzer
A closer look at lion evolution offers hope for saving the big cats...
National Geographic
 The Charity For The Working 
Animals Of The World
Kakamega Rainforest
in Kenya
Stand With Ukraine!
Emergency Relief
Catastrophe Looms as Drought Devastates Horn of Africa. See How to Help through UNICEF.
Zimbabwe: Media Challenged to Push Pan-African Wildlife Agenda

Expediency is a law of nature. The camel is a wonderful animal, but the desert made the camel.
-- Benjamin Disraeli

8 Black Inventors Who Made Daily Life Easier for all of us!
Vets without Borders
VWB/VSF works on big picture challenges of nutrition, disease and gender equality by concentrating on small, workable solutions. We partner with local communities and other non-profit organizations to deliver on the ground programs that focus on creating stable, sustainable communities and improved health for animals, people and the environments in which they live.
African Literature Books
The cheetah  is a large cat and native to Africa and central Iran.

July 31 Annually
Ngugi: My rare encounters with 
Nelson Mandela

Ngugi  wa Thiongo ( 5  January  1938 )
Respected Kenyan author, playwight and academic.

The Enduring Inspiration of Robert Kennedy's "Ripples of Hope."

In the summer of 1966, my parents, Robert and Ethel Kennedy, traveled to South Africa at the invitation of Ian Robertson, President of the National Union of South African Students, or NUSAS. 

NUSAS, which opposed the racist Apartheid regime -then in power in South Africa- asked my father to deliver the keynote address at the annual Day of Reaffirmation of Academic and Human Freedom at the University of Cape Town.

By Kerry Kennedy

"Ripples of Hope"
The Amazing Nile crocodile 
 Up close and personal with Africa’s largest reptile.
Giraffe Fact Sheet
 The giraffe is an African mammal and is the tallest living land animal. Learn more fascinating facts from PBS!